Hi, I’m trying to use the sample plugin from https://thehomeremote.com/docs/plugins/.
I’ve imported the plugin code through “New Plugin->Import from Code” into a freshly created project. At first verything looked fine when I clicked on “SynchronizeDevices” and it created a “VirtualSwitch” device. So I created a button with a “Clicked” event which uses an Action “DataAction” which sets “{Binding VirtualSwitch.Switch}” to the value of 1.
Then I created a console.log function to log the value which is received in onChangeRequest. I can see that the onChangeRequest is called even with correct device + attribute but value is always “null”. Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong? I did not try this yet with a physical device but it happens in Designer “Run” mode.
I would have attached the plugin but as a new user I’m not allowed to do so. So what could be wrong?
BTW: I’m using 3.4.10 of the Designer (so latest version atm)
UPDATE: I found out that ‘1’ doesn’t work because device is type “Switch” which only Accepts “On” and “Off” as value. But how can I define a Device which accepts an arbitrary string? There’s no such capability from what I can tell.