Sonoff DW2 Battery status

How can you determine or display the battery status of the WiFi door sensor DW2 from SONOFF?

Sonoff battery status isn’t currently supported but I’ll have that for you in the next 3.20.0 release.

Would you, or anyone with a battery-powered Sonoff sensor, mind sharing it with me so I can see how they are reporting the status? I’m not sure how the readings are scaled in the raw JSON so I’d like to connect with one to find out. Share it with my account if you could.

shure no problem - i will try to do it - next days if i am back at my home.

I can share if still need please let me know

mmm problem the ewlink app tells me not posible to share any suggestion?

@Netcall245 Manuel, can you see if the eWeLink app will let you share your sensor with

Hey i did already sharing 2 devices with you

Thanks. I see it now. I’ll test this tomorrow.

Is your internet down? The sensor appears to be offline currently.

Yes sorry i was doing some wirk on the electric it shoukd be fine now

Thanks. Yes, it’s online now.

However it is indeed reporting back a bit of an unexpected value. It’s currently reading 3.103. I don’t really know what this means. I see in the eWeLink app it has a full charge. Not sure I understand the scaling they are using.

  "switch": "off",
  "battery": 3.103,
  "fwVersion": "1000.2.924",
  "type": 4,
  "chipID": "d02701c1c652",
  "mac": "d02701c1c652",
  "rssi": -85,
  "lastUpdateTime": "2021-03-12T23:15:49.955Z",
  "actionTime": "2021-03-12T03:28:53.51Z"

So apparently that’s the voltage. Your battery is currently measuring 3.103 Volts. I suppose I could divide that number by 3 to create a percentage. Guessing they all use a standard CR2032 3V battery.

Yes i see that, you know is using 2 AAA batteries totalling 3 volts

Also can you do anything on th16 unit the temperature one as i mention before is reading on celsius then on settings on device i select the desired format or can have option to convert the reading into farenheit?

I can also share one

I own a TH16. I can look into it.

Ok thanks let me know if anything else i can help

Hey just a heads up i have 2 different august account because of different addresses one is good and other one is not updating the status or let me do anything can you please check what is wrong i can give you the credentials number is 5612295463

Okay found the problem - its the server of EWLINK you can only share Accounts on the same Server so i cant share a account that not basend on the european server array - :slight_smile: but i see Netcall245 has done meantime - thanks !

Hello bill this devices are not showing status now they were before dont know what happened i just noticed not showing now i check on ewelink server from app and it is good also i have a few zigbee sonoff temp sensor but same as th16 only display temp on celsies any workaround to display farenhait

I see the issue. For some reason the raw JSON coming back from your device says it’s offline

"online": false

There was a change in the last release made so that the app won’t bother reading state data for devices that are offline. I don’t know why your DW2 sensor is reporting that it is offline. Can you try opening & closing the door & see if the official eWeLink detects the correct open/closed states?