Where to install Designer for Win 10 from?

I had installed Designer from The Home Remote website and started to learn it. While I was browsing through the forums i came across a post that talked about installing it from the Windows store for various reasons.

I found it on the Windows store but the version was not shown anywhere in the listing for it. I know the version I had already was but had no idea what version was there in the store to compare against.

So, I uninstalled the version I already had and installed the app from the store. I was somewhat surprised after I opened it and checked. The Windows store version was only !!!

Do I go back to the website version or keep what I have? and why wouldn’t the store version be at least as new as the website version?

Let me know why there is a difference if someone can for me.


I have found the install from MS store buggy. It seems that if you install it from the store updates fail. You also have to completely uninstall it to install one you download from the Home Remote website. To uninstall the store install you need to do it by right clicking the icon in the start menu as it does not show up in the control panels uninstall program. I would use the one from the website since I am assuming the store version is not current.

Yeah, use the one from the website. There was a lot of pushback from other users when I tried to move it to the MS store. I have kept it visible in the store but I don’t submit updates to it nearly as frequently.

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Thanks, I’ll go back to it.
