Yamaha multiple controllers


Prospective tinkerer currently using Roomie Remote which with the lack of customisation and support drives me nuts but… it kinda works. anyway.

I think there’s issues with one device ‘holding’ the connection open to Yamaha amps. For roomie remote I use an old iPhone running the app, this becomes the master then mine and my wife’s iPhone send commands to the master and it works.

How does THR handle the problem with multiple devices controlling a Yamaha receiver over IP?

Each Home Remote app instance talks directly to the receiver, just like the official Yamaha apps do. There isn’t a ‘master’. The Yamaha control protocol is a HTTP REST API. There should never be an issue with one device ‘holding’ a connection. Maybe for really old receivers (prior 2010) they had a different control protocol (I don’t know). Anything from the last 10 years should support their REST API.

If your receiver is compatible with Yamaha’s AV Controller or MusicCast apps, then it should support their REST API. None of these will have a ‘holding’ issue.

Ok thanks I’ll have to have a play.

I know I had issues with both a plugin on Domoticz (no longer use this) and Roomie Remote.
If I used the Domoticz plugin nothing else seemed to be able to get an update on control the app and with Roomie Remote and two users it acted strange and they had the whole master slave thing going on to get around it.

I have come across the Yamaha one connection issue using a plugin for my vera hub that used TCP. I then found one that utilized HTML that allowed multiple connections. You will not have a problem with Home Remote and multiple connections.

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Managed to turn it on / off and set input source etc.
One thing I can’t work out is setting the volume at dB decibal level.
I seem to be able to set the volume using name.volume but this seems to be a percentage and offsets itself somehow so I pick 60% and it ends up at 59% -32.5dB
There’s a name.VolumeDecibel but I’m doing something wrong or this only tells me the volume.

Can it be discretely set at say -32dB, whatever I set as a figure it says “specified method is not supported”

I found the Yamaha rest API here which is the “Yamaha Extended Control API Specification (Basic)” Is that what you’re using?

That has a set volume command as which I can use and increment the dB by .5 so 97 = “-32dB”, 96 = “-32.5dB” but those figures don’t match THR settings which seem to want to set a %

After looking in Home Assistant where I’ve never controlled the amp but have it added it appears to work the same way and there’s lots of talk about how the media player option is using a percentage from 1-100 to set the amp volume. 1-100% translates to -80dB to 0dB for some people this is a problem as there amp can go to +16.5dB.

Mine can do but I rarely get above -10dB as things like the windows start to shake :slight_smile:

For now I’ll try and work with the percentage setting and see how it goes, I know from testing this sometimes means a 1dB or 1.5DB rise or fall, it’s not consistent.

The alternative would be a put http request via curl or some such direct to the amp where you can specify a number that directly correlates to 0.5dB increments as I previously mentioned but from what I can see that involves a plugin, script and then a parameter which seems a faff.

Use VolumeDecibel not Volume. VolumeDecibel is a float value with a range of -80.0 - 18.0 as defined in the docs.

I kind of gave up on that as no matter what I do it says “specified method is not supported”.
I tried adding it as a slider or a button unless I’m doing something wrong?

Show me a screenshot of your DataAction for the Button.

I’m looking at it a little bit closer & the MusicCast integration does not appear to support setting discrete volume dB values. What you can do is use the MediaCommand VolumeUp & VolumeDown commands. Those should increment/decrement in .5 dB steps.

Here’s the screen shot of a button if it helps but like you say I think it’s a limitation of MusicCast.
The web api seems to have it, there also seems to be two different style of websites running on it and two methods of sending commands. If only all devices were this open to connectivity :slight_smile: