HEOS drive not working

You said you see the error after sending commands. Do the commands work?

Even though it shows the error, does the volume actually mute? Does music actually pause?

No none of the commands work

What happens when you click the Sync button on the Settings page?

You should be seeing 4 items in that list, not 1. That’s the other thing that concerns me. Looks like the Designer might have had that part correct.

ok I refreshed it and all four devices came up however as I said before .25 only works on zone 2

Ignore the X I’m trying to figure out how to record my screen so I can upload a video so you can see how the app is reacting

That looks good. That “Sync” button is another command to the HEOS. I’m not quite sure why it’ll respond to that command but not a Play or Pause command.

If you go back to the Home page & add all of those as an “Existing Device” do they work?

…click the Save button on that page 1st.

Also, cycle power on your WiFi router & cycle power on your HEOS stuff too.

Can you set up port forwarding in your router so I can connect to remotely?

The port you will need to forward for that device is 1255.

This will probably be the easiest way for me to really find out what’s going on & why it’s not working. There probably is a bug. I’m just not sure what it is. If I connect to your unit it should be real easy for me to find the issue.


Let me know if the video plays for you

doing port forwarding now

i just messaged you like i did before

I can’t connect. Can you double check the port forwarding setup?

I think I found the issue. The reason it’s not working is that it’s trying to parse a null source id (sid) for your zones 3 & 4. Since those 2 zones don’t have anything loaded they have null values. Try loading anything in those 2 zones & the issue should go away. You can pause it right away, but something has to be loaded. My guess is that after a power cycle they reset to null.

This will be fixed in the next release. But in the current version that work-around should get you going temporarily.

Sweet Jesus… you nailed it. I can believe that it actually works now. I don’t know why that variable never crossed my mind. Thanks for all your help and dedication!!!

No problem! Thanks for setting up the remote access. I don’t know that I ever would have suspected that was the issue so I appreciate you setting that up.

Feel free to remove the port forwarding. I’m finished making the change.

Bill, I have the HEOS drive HS2 and have no issues.