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Can you set up port forwarding so I can test the Fibaro API calls remotely? I’d like to try & work on these changes & it’d really make development easier if I have a system to test.

I would really like to do, but i can’t. At least i dont know how.
Fibaro also asked me about it, and i tried anything i can in my router but it doesnt work.
Can you assist with it, or its too difficult?

What if I’d send you a HC3 Lite ?

I’d need not only the HC3 I’d need but also the 3 different thermostat devices to test. If you could port forwarding setup that would probably be best. Were you not able to find any help on Google for setting up port forwarding on your router? If you have a popular router, there should be plenty of help online. If you have something obscure then help may be harder to find.

Ok, what ports should i open? I will try it

The default API port is 80. If your system is using the defaults, then 80 is the port that you need to forward.

I am struggling with this a year. I have called some friends over, (more experienced with routers), but noone could tell me why are the ports still closed.
I have find some topics on the net but all the steps mentioined have been done already.
Still no success.
I am attaching the settings that i have made in the router. I have set up evereything what i could, but still no success.

I have tried it with several other ports too. With 80, with 3000…
In some Fibaro emails they asked me to open 1080 for WEB and 1022 for SSH…thats why i am trying with these ports…

For some reason I can’t open the ports. Sorry

I will keep trying with some other ports…

Why are you trying to forward ports 1080 & 1022?

You should only need port 80. It’s not hurting to have the others listed but you’re missing the only one that you actually need.

Also, how are you determining that it isn’t working?

Are you using an online tool like

It would be very helpful if you could attach another screenshot showing what you are doing to determine whether it works.

I have tried with port 80 either.
And yes i was testing it by online tool

One of my other concerns here is breaking functionality for existing users. The reason that it may have worked for other users is that they weren’t using schedules. It’s unclear to me as to which property Fibaro uses to indicate that a thermostat has been configured to use a schedule. That’s what I’d like to determine now.

Are you able to disable schedules for 1 of your 3 thermostats?

When you disable schedules, does the Fibaro app still require you to supply a length of time? I’m assuming that it doesn’t. Because if it did, what value would it bounce back to?

Using a thermostat in a home automated system without any schedule just doesn’t make any sense in
my opinion.I think a big majority of people (with intelligent home systems installed) do have schedules.
What would they do with a thermostat in an intelligent home without a schedule?
They would set just one setpoint for always and if needed they would change it manually?
Yes, it can work, but this is not a home automated system i think. On the other hand.

If I dactivated shcedules, Fibaro still requires to supply a lenght of time, however it can be zero, and in this case i think this setpoint will be used until I change it back to schedule mode or I change the setpoint, or the timeframe. I did’t test it for longer periods, i just deactivated schedule and tried to set up some setpoint. It always asked for some lenght of time, but in PC interface it allowed me to set it with 0 second, so a saved it, and waited a couple of minutes if it jumps back. It didn’t.

Anyway I would really like to have heating in HR, so i will do the following.

Right now i have set all my schedules as following.
Livingroom(Heatit) - 20° all the day
Office(Fibaro) - 20° all the day
Bedroom(Danfoss) - 18° all the day

Now I have just deactivated all three schedules.

At this point i have set the following values on thermostats. (set it manually in PC interface)

Livingroom Heatit - 23 - timeframe 0
Bedroom Danfoss - 17 - timeframe 0
Office Fibaro - 23 - timeframe 0

Downloading Jsons…Will name the accordingly.

Then I re-activated all the schedules.
At this point i have set the following values on thermostats. (set it manually in PC interface)
Livingroom Heatit - 25 - timeframe 2 hours
Bedroom Danfoss - 19 - timeframe 2 hours
Office Fibaro - 25 - timeframe 2 hours

Downloading Jsons…Will name the accordingly.
474_Without_Shedule_SetTo23.txt (5.3 KB)
609_Without_Shedule_SetTo23.txt (3.9 KB)
328_Without_Shedule_SetTo17.txt (2.7 KB)
328_With_Shedule_SetTo19_for_2hours.txt (2.7 KB)
609_With_Shedule_SetTo25_for_2hours.txt (3.9 KB)

474_With_Shedule_SetTo25_for_2hours.txt (5.3 KB)

I hope this helps.

There’s nothing I can find in the JSON that indicates the schedule is disabled. Can you describe how you disabled the schedule in Fibaro? Can you attach a screenshot of the setting you disabled?

The other day I had you run the setHeatingThermostatSetpoint API command on all of your thermostats except the Office.

What does Office Fibaro do if you try to run the command below while the schedule is active?

Set OFFICE FIBARO to 19 degrees:
Result: ???

Set BEDROOM DANFOSS to 19 degrees:
Result: Value on thermostat changes to 19 for 15 minutes.

Set LIVINGROOM HEATIT to 21 degrees:
Result: Value on thermostat jumps to 21 for a second. Then it jumps back.

Please install Designer version You should now be able to change the setpoint for all 3 devices. It will automatically place a 2 hour hold each time you make a change.

I’ve added support for the ThermostatHold capability to the Fibaro integration. This allows you to track whether the thermostat is following the schedule or has a hold. And if it has a hold, you can track the time it expires. You can clear a setpoint hold & force it to resume schedule by setting the ThermostatHoldState to NoHold.

Resync your devices & the default templates. I made a minor change to ThermostatDetails.xaml. Not every thermostat hold menu option is compatible with Fibaro. The “Hold Until Next Period” & “Permanent Hold” options are not compatible. They will throw an error.

Let me know if this works. If it does, I’ll begin the process of rolling it out to the stores.

Side question:
How is your HR logic gettin a thermostat temperature value?
Are you looking for a Child ID in the device api call, then posting another API call with the (received ID) for the temperture value?

And if trying to select something from the combo:
In case of first two options i am getting “Specific method is not supported…” error
In case of the last .“Response status code does not indicate success”

You need to be using the parent id in order for the temperature to work. Your device object definition should look exactly like this. Please look at it closely.

Do the changes I made work I not? Are now able to change setpoints? Does it set a 2 hour hold time?

I just uploaded Designer version This should fix the issue you had with the “No Hold” option. Please test to confirm it works.