Input for values

Hi, the temeprature is shown already.But the time-options in dropdown dont work.

when trying to sleect any of HOLD options

and when trying to select 17:08

Did you read what I wrote earlier?

The only Hold option that is compatible with Fibaro in that drop-down is “No Hold”. And you need to update to Designer version for that to work.

So everything that I have said should work does work? Can you please verify? You still haven’t told me whether changing setpoints works.

“Hold until…” --is a feedback for us about what is the current state of the thermostat. It means, in Fibaro interface the heatingSetpoint has been set with some time window, and saved. Thats what we can see. But if i am right, we can’t change it right? I can’t change the time, i can just track the situation right?

“No hold” - it forces the thermostat to go back to schedule mode if there’s any existing. Right?

“Hold until next period, and Hold permanently” - are not supported, did I get it right?

Actually none of my thermostats can recognize any of those hold options in the dropdown.
Nor the Danfoss neither the Heatit brand. So its not only Fibaro that doesn’t support these options.

So nothing works? Is that correct?

Changing setpoint works.

Quit selecting those invalid hold selections. Stop the simulator & restart it. Now try to resume schedule by selecting the “No Hold” option. That should work.

No hold works. I will test it with other thermostats also. Give me 1 min pls.

If i press follow the shcedule, it shows no error, and shows the time it should follow. However, if i want to change the setpoint at this moment, it throws error.

So changing the setpoint doesn’t work if it’s in schedule mode? That’s most of the time isn’t it? Earlier you said changing the setpoint did work.

And now it showes me “Follow schedule 1:00”. In my plan the next changing point is at 21:00. Now the time is 20:55.

It should not show the time for “follow schedule” if you resynced the template files like I suggested you do. It should only show the time when there is a hold

The setpoint changing doesn’t work. I can swear to god that it worked once, or maybe i just missclicked something. Sorry. It doesnt work.
I have done everything what you said. Donwloaded new version. Resynced templates. And i got this.

So what happens when you try to change the setpoint?

Also show me what you clicked to resync the templates.

  1. Got error messge : Reponse status code does not indicate success…405 method not allowd
  2. I downloaded the new version, opened a new project, and copy pasted the templates

I found the problem. At least the template sync problem. It created thermostatdetails1.xaml. I have fixed it. Now it doesnt show the “Follow time until…”, but the setpoint change still doesnt work

  1. Can you please try to set up port forwarding again? It shouldn’t be that hard of task for someone such as yourself. With all of the work you’re doing here with Fibaro, etc, I’m sure you can get that working. You only have the 1 router correct? Or does ISP also have a router in your home?

  2. Here’s the button you need to be clicking to resync templates.

Is it all 3 of them that it’s not working for? Again, all 3 or using different API commands. So it could be working for 1 & not another.