MultiBinding MultiLine

Continuing the discussion from Title and artist in one label:


I’m new here so please correct my post etiquette as necessary.
I searched around, and if this has been addressed, I must not have been using the correct search terms.

What I’m trying to do this exact thing as the linked post but split it on two lines.
But for the life of me I cannot get a MultiBinding to do multi line?


StringFormat: “Artist: {1}\nSong: {0}”

When I try this I literally get
Artist: Blake Shelton\nSong: God’s Country

I’ve tried a few different variations from different languages I know. \n `n
\r\n 0x0D0A
I’ve even gone so far as to make a binding for them.


StringFormat: “Artist: {1}{2}Song: {0}”

Thanks, any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Every character on that dialog is taken as a string literal. In the next version I will make that a multiline textbox so you can use the Enter key to add normal line breaks. For the time being, you can go into the raw XAML & provide this value. To switch to the XAML view click the XAML button on the bottom of the window.

Artist: {1}
Song: {0}

I tried multiline label. In the designer simulator it is shown correctly but in an Android device everything in one row. Bug?

I forgot to mention that you’ll also need to set the TextWrapping property to Wrap. Your Labels will not display multiline text on Android if that is set to NoWrap.

Yes, that works. It could be more consistent if the simulator would work the same way than a device.