Problem with Danfoss living connect radiator valves

OK phone rebooted, Vera mobile app and HR app both say 17 degrees now.

Changing it to 8 in the HR app.

Vera Mobile then does this…

It remains on 17.

No spinning circle this time and no error message.

Its still on 17 and it only changes to 8 after several minutes e.g after the Thermostat has woken up to accept the command.

Searching SDATA for “thermostat” I see no 8 degree value.

I don’t think the “SetPointTarget” is outputted to SDATA by that or another name.

Will have to ask Vera themselves I think.

Thanks for the feedback & testing. I do definitely see some areas where I can improve this without any intervention from Vera. For the next release, I will implement some of those changes.

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I’ve asked the question on the forum and can ask them at Vera as well.

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I was just looking over the API docs Vera emailed me a few years ago. Rather than hardcode that 15 minute sdata override I mentioned earlier, it appears I should be able to use the state value to know whether there is a pending change. What I’ll do is, if the device’s sdata reports back that a change is pending or has an error, I’ll just continue showing the local value that was last sent. I won’t use the sdata values until that returns to either a -1 or 4.

Device states:

  • Normal = -1
  • Pending = 0,1,5,6
  • Error = 2,3
  • Success = 4

I appreciate you reaching out to Vera but this is something we can probably fix without their help.

Trying to understand what hapens, I have ordered a change from 25º to 24º, and then look into the variables in VERA. I have foind that urrentSetPointHeat change to 25 and CurrentSetPoint maintains in 24, as well as SetPointTarget. I enclose the list of variables:

Capabilities 83,156,0,4,8,4,R,B,RS,|67,70,114,117,128,129,132:2,134,143,

ManufacturerInfo 2,5,4

VersionInfo 6,3,67,1,1

Commands heater_setpoint

ModeStatus HeatOn

Configured 1

NodeInfo 43,46,72,75,80,81,84,86,8f,

SetPointInfo H1,

ModeSetting 1:;2:;3:;4:

LastUpdate 1548419836

FirstConfigured 1548419265

Neighbors 1,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,34,

LastReset 0

AssociationNum 0

WakeupInterval 600

BatteryDate 1604571139

BatteryLevel 68

TemperatureScale 2,0,2

CurrentSetpoint Heat 25.00

CurrentSetpoint 24.00

AllSetpoints 25.00,0.00,12.50

Status 1

LastNnu 1604557642,103

LastArr 1604558814,103

ConfiguredWakeupInterval 300

PollSettings 10800

PollOk 2

PollRatings 5.00

LastPollSuccess 1553474288

ConsecutivePollFails 0

LastRouteUpdate 1548419896

WakeupRatings 2.69

LastWakeup 1604571139

sl_BatteryAlarm 0

SetpointTarget 24.00

sl_Hail 1

CommFailure 0

CommFailureTime 0

CommFailureAlarm 1595784759,0


We had a response on the Vera forum here.

Thanks for the info guys. This will be fixed in the next release. This was a bug on my part by not handling the device pending/error/success state.

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Thanks a lot to everybody. I look forward for the next release

Just a last question, When do you plan to launch yhe next release?

Thanks a lot

In a few days. I was hoping to begin publishing later today but I’m not certain if it’ll be ready or not. I’ll let you know.


Was the fix published ?

Is there a change log we can view?

I have updated Designer to Version and my Android app is set to auto update.

I still have the issue we described in this thread.

Many Thanks

I have tryed to download version, but what I get is an .msi for installation of version, that when trying to install gives an error:
“Pídele al desarrollador un nuevo paquete de la aplicación. Este paquete puede entrar en conflicto con un paquete instalado previamente, depende de cosas no instaladas aquí (dependencias del paquete) o está hecho para una arquitectura diferente (0x80073CF3)” (I’m sorry, it is in spanish).

I have unistalled rthe previous version in the computer, and the proble remais, so, I am now without the posibility to install any version of the HR designer.
What I have done wrong?

Yes, this should have been fixed in 3.12.0.

@cw-kid Would you mind letting me connect to your system so I can see exactly what is happening in real-time?

@APPA You do not need the Designer to see if this release fixes the issue for you. Can you please update your phones & tablets to 3.12.0 & see what happens? Does it still temporarily show the new requested setpoint & then bounce back to the old after a couple seconds?

That error you are seeing says there is a conflict with an existing install. Double-check & make sure your previous install has been removed. Try rebooting your PC also.

Regarding version, the installer version & actual software version aren’t in sync right now. Installer version is Designer version Ideally, I would like to keep them in sync but there is currently a weird MSIX bug in the latest Windows 10 version.

Yes I’m sure we could arrange that.

Just trying it again now.

My Thermostat was set to 10.

I used the up arrow and changed it to 23.5

I did say 23.5 for longer than before maybe 20 seconds or so.

Now it says 10 again.

When my Thermostat has woken up to accept the command and changes to 23.5, then Home Remote Android app also then changes back to 23.5.

You want to Team Viewer on to my laptop or something ?


Finally, I have done it. The problem was that the previous version was not uninstalled completely. Now I will try to see what happens with the thermostat.

@cw-kid Send me your project if you could. My plan was to open it on my PC & connect with my debugger. The Home Remote uses dataversion & loadtime query parameters which filters those results. We can’t really replicate that process in a web browser.

Just changed thermostat from 23.5 to 10.

Stays on 10 for about 30 seconds, then goes. Back to 23.5.

Thermostat wakes up later and HR app then changed to 18 then to 13 then to 10 very quickly.

OK. I see what’s happening. The next release will have this fixed for good, hopefully. I just tested with @cw-kid’s thermostat & the change I made a little bit ago appears to be working well.

Here’s why it’s still happening with the changes I made last week. As I said earlier, The Home Remote isn’t really polling in a traditional sense. It’s monitoring events / changes. Below are all of the thermostat events that happened after I changed the setpoint to 15. Initially, it’ll post a “Pending” state of 2 which is fine. That’s what we expect to see after sending a new setpoint. However, a short time after that we begin seeing a few events with a state of ‘-1’. I was treating ‘-1’ as a completed state which would update the state of the setpoints to match the JSON.

What the next release will do is treat ‘-1’ as another possible “Pending” state. It won’t begin using those values in the JSON until we get either a completed state of ‘4’, an error state of ‘3’, or after 15 minutes. After 15 minutes it’ll just show what’s in JSON, regardless of what the state is.

Changing setpoint to 15 at 11/8/2020 9:42:58 PM

Event at 11/8/2020 9:43:08 PM
  "altid": "57",
  "id": "189",
  "subcategory": "2",
  "room": "8",
  "parent": "1",
  "mode": "HeatOn",
  "commands": "heater_setpoint",
  "configured": "1",
  "commFailure": "0",
  "batterylevel": "40",
  "temperature": "18.10",
  "setpoint": "14.00",
  "heat": "14.00",
  "cool": "14.00",
  "state": "2",
  "comment": "Thermostat: Waiting for wakeup to send commands"

Event at 11/8/2020 9:43:21 PM
  "altid": "57",
  "id": "189",
  "subcategory": "2",
  "room": "8",
  "parent": "1",
  "mode": "HeatOn",
  "commands": "heater_setpoint",
  "configured": "1",
  "commFailure": "0",
  "batterylevel": "40",
  "temperature": "18.10",
  "setpoint": "14.00",
  "heat": "14.00",
  "cool": "14.00",
  "state": "2",
  "comment": "Thermostat: Waiting for wakeup to send commands"

Event at 11/8/2020 9:43:34 PM
  "altid": "57",
  "id": "189",
  "subcategory": "2",
  "room": "8",
  "parent": "1",
  "mode": "HeatOn",
  "commands": "heater_setpoint",
  "configured": "1",
  "commFailure": "0",
  "batterylevel": "40",
  "temperature": "18.10",
  "setpoint": "14.00",
  "heat": "14.00",
  "cool": "14.00",
  "state": "-1",
  "comment": ""

Event at 11/8/2020 9:46:16 PM
  "altid": "57",
  "id": "189",
  "subcategory": "2",
  "room": "8",
  "parent": "1",
  "mode": "HeatOn",
  "commands": "heater_setpoint",
  "configured": "1",
  "commFailure": "0",
  "batterylevel": "40",
  "temperature": "18.10",
  "setpoint": "14.00",
  "heat": "14.00",
  "cool": "14.00",
  "state": "-1",
  "comment": ""

Event at 11/8/2020 9:47:48 PM
  "altid": "57",
  "id": "189",
  "subcategory": "2",
  "room": "8",
  "parent": "1",
  "mode": "HeatOn",
  "commands": "heater_setpoint",
  "configured": "1",
  "commFailure": "0",
  "batterylevel": "40",
  "temperature": "18.10",
  "setpoint": "15.00",
  "heat": "15.00",
  "cool": "15.00",
  "state": "4",
  "comment": "Thermostat: SUCCESS! Transmit was OK"

That’s great thank you for looking further in to the issue.


I have investigating further the behaviour of the thermostat with the Danfoss radiator head, and I ve found a couple of things, that may be will help you:

1.- I have the thermostat and the radiator head in 25º. When I give two clicks in a button to increase in 1º steps, HR display jumps to 25º, stay there for a while, and then go back to 23º. If now I look at the variables in VERA, CurrentSetpoint and CurrentSetpointHeat show 25, and SetpointTarget 23. If you wait for 10 or 15 minutes, all the values go to 23, and HR displys alss 23.

2.- If instead os using 1º steps, I change to 0.5º steps, supported by the Danfoss unit, when going from 23 to 25, I found the following valus shown in HR:
1st clik: 23
2nd click: 235.5
3d click: 2355.5
4d click: 23555.5

Hope with will be of help