RTSP streams have to be decoded. Cheaper tablets could have problems keeping up. Most cameras also provide MJPEG or JPEG snapshot URLs. I strongly recommend using one of those if you’re having issues. They will perform much better since there’s no need to decode the frames.
Reviving the dead here somewhat with my first post. Stumbled across Home Remote on the Hubitat forums, and it’s what I’ve always been looking for in a remote designer. Absolutely fantastic work!
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 (newest model) that I’m testing my layout on as I build. I’ve added one of my Amcrest cameras via IP Camera in the devices. Added a MediaElement and pointed it to the device stream, works fine in the simulator. When I push the file to my Samsung tablet, I’m not seeing any playback within Home Remote, just a black screen. Tested with VLC on my computer as well as the tablet, playback is working on both (codec is H.264).
Any weird nuances that I need to know concerning android tablets? I have the resolution set to 1920x1080 (cameras are 4k capable), 24fps. Any and all help is appreciated!
I have a cheap old Amazon Fire tablet. With it I have found that the camera resolution cannot exceed the display resolution. Try another resolution. Maybe try 1280x720 if your camera supports it.
Will do, thanks Bill. For the time being I just opted for the jpeg images refreshing once a second in a mediaimage control, which works well enough.