Is there a way to communicate with items within a PageBrowser from outside of it?

I have a media player that is loaded with a PageBrowser. I also have a dropdown that sets what source is loaded into the media player via the PageBrowser. However, I wanted to make things a little more complicated (sorry for the sarcasm). I also have a tab menu that the user can toggle between two different categories (Chromecast or Sonos). The dropdown menus contain the rooms of each device. Right now I have the Chromecast dropdown working to change the PageBrowser to the associated device by room. How can I also include the tab selection?

Example usage:

User selects Chromecast from tab menu
User then selects “Office” from the drop down to select the chromecast player in the office.

User then decides to select the other item in the tab menu (Sonos)
User then selects “Living Room” from the drop down to select the sonos player in the living room.

Hope that makes sense.

I also have the same question about the inverse flow:
create a button within a PageBrowser that when selected can affect devices outside of the page browser.

You cannot. That’s kind of similar question to this one asked the other day. You can create some virtual device variables to bridge the 2.

Okay. Thanks. I’ll give that a try.

I have a demo project I put together for someone that shows how to do this. I will try.and track it down.

Demo project attached

virtual_device_demo.hrp (2.8 MB)

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Thanks John. Really appreciate it!