Kodi Plugin (GridView)

I have local images present for all my TV Show episodes in the folders on my server.

I am using Emby media server as my metadata manager that downloads all artwork images.

I am not sure why some TV Shows this Kodi plugin is using local images and for others its going off to TVDB site.

I do have a login for the TVDB site and an API key.

Breaking Bad local episode images:

I dont know enough about the tvdb api - you will need to work it out and adjust my script.

I will look in to the Access Denied message.

But can the script be changed to just load the local TV episode images on the SMB share?

And not bother with TheTVDB site ?



Ive worked out how to scrape the TVDB and I can see Breaking Bad does not have any episode images :

I assume this is why your fields are empty. Authenitcation is required for scraping the database but I think Kodi and Plex do this without the user needing to. To add images direct from Home Remote the user will need to create them if they are not already in place by Kodi - in this case Breaking Bad has no episode images.

The banner image I found for breaking bad is :slight_smile:

and the poster is :

In short you can do a scrape of your TVDB images but it will take a rework of the the script, it would be better for Kodi to do this and then just pull them into the HR.



I still don’t understand.

Some of my TV shows are displaying episode images and from the log they show as coming from the SMB share off my local file server.

And other shows like Breaking Bad don’t show any episode images.

So why doesn’t it get them from my file server?


It is not receiving them because the plugin is looking at the JSON response for the images in the JSON object for the art which references an image that isnt actually there on TVDB. I assume the kodi server itself looks at internal images - Home Remote does not store any data so this wont work in the same way.

I assume the kodi web browser also shows no episode images? I have a feeling Kodi takes a snapshot of the file to fulfil the epsiode image as these seem quite random but i may be wrong.

Your right there are no episode images for Breaking Bad in the Kodi web GUI.

However in Kodi proper on the HTPC I do see the episode images.

In Kodi on the HTPC I refreshed the Breaking Bad show and all episode information. I choose to not refresh the information from the Internet but instead refresh from the locally stored information aka the nfo files and the local images that Emby media server creates as the metadata manger etc.

Then looking back in the Kodi web GUI I now do see episode images in there OK.

HOWEVER - Breaking Bad has totally vanished from the Kodi plugin in Home Remote, I can no longer see it listed at all.

I will do some more testing.



Very strange, doing a request for TV shows in Postman Breaking Bad is still listed:

However it is no longer visible in the Kodi Plugin TV Shows in Home Remote.

I can still see Breaking Bad in the Kodi web GUI and also in Kodi on the HTPC.

I refreshed two other TV shows in Kodi on the HTPC and they have now vanished from the HR Kodi plugin also.

I have username and password for my kodi webserver.

What would I need to do to be able to configure those?

It will require added in the script at all the instances where a http call is made. I can take a look at some point over the weekend.


Very much appreciated thankyou!!!

Ive tested it the way I would expect it work by adding the user and pass in the http.get command and it isnt working :

var recentmovies = http.get(‘http://’ + ‘admin:admin@’ + (plugin.Settings[“Hostname”]) + ‘:’ + (plugin.Settings[“webserver”]) + ‘/jsonrpc?request=’ + ‘{“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”: “VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedMovies”, “params”: { “properties”: [“title”, “year”, “rating”, “thumbnail”]},“id”:1}’)

Just testing admin / admin for now before I add the user and pass as a setting.

@bill - I see you reccommended the same syntax on a http.post for fiabro in the forum, any idea why this isnt working for the http.get. Ive checked and the actual web string works in the browser.



Did you test the exact URL the plugin is using in a browser?

You should revise that code snippet & write that URL to the console before sending it. Then copy & paste the URL from the console to make sure it works.

var recentMoviesUrl = 'http://' + 'admin:admin@' + (plugin.Settings["Hostname"]) + ':' + (plugin.Settings["webserver"]) + '/jsonrpc?request=' + '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedMovies", "params": { "properties": ["title", "year", "rating", "thumbnail"]},"id":1}';


var recentmovies = http.get(recentMoviesUrl);

Hi Bill,

I did exactly that when troubleshooting. Console.logged it and copy paste the result into the browser and it returned the output I expected.


Try forcing basic authentication. Instead of embedding the credentials in the URL, use the “auth” option which allows you to control the type of authentication it uses.

var credentials = {
        authType: "basic",
        username: "admin",
        password: "admin"

var recentmovies = http.get(recentMoviesUrl, { auth: credentials });

Hi Bill,

I managed to get it working the original way, there was a previous call to a web socket that required the user/pass. Once I add a user/pass though the clipart wont load into the gridview:

This one does not display (when user/pass is test/test) :

This one does (when no user is set):

Seems strange - both display in a browser.

The GridView will not download images from URLs that have credentials at the beginning. I’ll need to make a change to support those.

Thanks for the rapid feedback. Much appreciated.

Did this get updated?

Yes it did thanks!

Gridview now working with credentials!

When I pause a movie, the WebImage flashes between the kodi1.png image and the movie artwork.

Is there a way to just keep showing the movie artwork in the WebImage window when playback is paused?